Photos from Spaniel Hunt Tests

Schellenbach Photography & Design is pleased to announce that the Maryland Sporting Dog Association galleries are complete and ready for viewing/purchase. Thank you all for your patience! Please be patient while the galleries load. Due to some upload issues, there may be images out of sequence so please be mindful that a handler photo may not be correctly in sequence next to your dog.
The page includes two viewing galleries under “MSDA GALLERIES”, one for Saturday and one for Sunday.

Spring Spaniel Hunt Tests Thanks and Congrats

Well the Spring Maryland Sporting Dog Association Spaniel Hunt Test is a wrap. Congratulations to all of those that qualified and earned a leg or a title. We were extremely lucky to have an absolutely gorgeous weekend for a very challenging set of test elements. As always it’s so enjoyable to watch these dogs do their thing in the field.
I want to thank everyone that helped out with the test this weekend. From the group of volunteers who offered to work ahead of time as well as those that jumped in to help along the way and those who donated prizes to the workers’ raffle. And congrats to the raffle winners and, of course, all the qualifying dogs!