About Us

The Maryland Sporting Dog Association (MSDA) is a group of dog owners and friends working for the good of all dogs, but especially sporting dogs. We endeavor to rise above our human weaknesses for the sake of our canine companions and put our best efforts toward furthering the advancement of sporting breeds, to protect and advance the interests of sporting dogs and sporting dog activities, to conduct sporting dog events, and to encourage sportsmanlike behavior in all situations.

* * *  We’re a FUN Club!  * * *

MSDA was first organized in 1974. Through the years we have hosted conformation shows, obedience trials, hunt tests, field trials, training sessions, and social events. We also participate in regional outreach and support other local dog club activities. A listing of upcoming and recent activities is on our Calendar page.

Maryland Sporting Dog Association, Inc. is a Maryland nonstock corporation and operates as a tax-exempt entity under 26 U.S. Code Section 501(c)(4). Contributions or gifts to MSDA are not deductible as charitable contributions for Federal income tax purposes, but may be deductible as trade or business expenses.

Scroll down for more information about MSDA’s history, philosophy, and to see a list of its current board members.

If you have questions about MSDA and would like to learn more about our activities, please contact us at Secretary@mdsportingdog.org . You can also follow a link to our most recent newsletters here.

If you would like to become a member, we invite you to attend one of our events to get to know us and submit an application. You can learn more about membership and fill out an on-line application at https://mdsportingdog.org/join/. Or, email Admin@mdsportingdog.org for information and a membership application as a PDF. Attendance at an event or meeting is required before joining. Dues are a nominal $10/year but don’t start until the January after you first join. More important, MSDA expects members to support the organization by volunteering at least once during the year.

Not ready to join, but want to receive MSDA news? Sign up for our e-mail list to receive our monthly newsletter. (We use MailChimp to manage our mailing list; we do not share your email or other list info with any other organization.)

Board of Directors of the Maryland Sporting Dog Association, Inc. (2023-2024): 

  • Officers:
    • Steve Roth, President
    • Richard Jackson, Vice President
    • Gary Seibel, Treasurer
    • Melissa McMunn, Secretary
  • Other board members: Sally Eck, Gregg Kantak, Loreen Peterson, Sherry Seibel, Steve Surprenant.

Board meetings are generally held monthly, usually via Zoom, on the second Thursday of the month starting at 7:30 pm. Check MSDA’s Calendar for the next date. All MSDA members are welcome to attend and participate. Contact the Secretary, Melissa McMunn, via Secretary@mdsportingdog.org for details.

History & Philosophy of MSDA:

January of 1974 saw a group of energetic acquaintances and friends come together to form an organization that embraces the concept of sportsmanship, companionship and love of bird dogs (sporting dogs). Some belonged to local breed clubs or kennel clubs. Some had breeds so rare that there was no organization. All wanted to learn more. Most faced dissatisfaction with their local clubs because the total dog was not addressed. The clubs either lacked direction or moved in only one direction (such as breed showing). They all wanted to do more with their dogs. Thus, Maryland Sporting Dog Association (MSDA) was born.

MSDA is a group of sporting dog owners and friends working for the good of all dogs, but especially sporting dogs, in the home, field, obedience, and breed. It has been our focus to put our best efforts toward promoting intelligent, rational, sportsmanlike attempts at the betterment of sporting dogs without resorting to petty jealousies and backbiting that strangles so many organizations. Naturally there have been some rough spots. However, we endeavor to rise above our human weaknesses for the sake of our canine companions. Any organization is what its working membership makes of it.

The sport of dogs just that, SPORT. We respect each other’s particular fields of interest and work together to help each other in all canine endeavors. MSDA also is deeply dedicated to the idea of sporting dogs for human companionship.

We are a family club with children and spouses helping out wherever and whenever they can. Many a close personal friendship has come about through MSDA. The foundation of any organization is its members and because of its hard working, loving, vivacious people, Maryland Sporting Dog Association has grown into an active and successful club that encompasses all activities associated with the Sport of Bird Dogs.

We are not a private social club. Nearly all of our activities are open to the public and we strive to educate not only our membership, but also the dog-loving public, about sporting dogs and the activities they enjoy.

Over the years, we have achieved many milestones:

  • We were charter members of The States Kennel Club.
  • Since 2002, we have been conducting licensed conformation shows and obedience trials.

    First MSDA WD tests in 1982
    First MSDA WD tests in 1982
  • We have hosted competitions for pointing bird dogs under the license of the Field Dog Stud Book, Amateur Field Trial Association, and U.S. Complete Shooting Dog Association.
  • We host spaniel hunting tests licensed by the American Kennel Club, and helped to develop the AKC hunting test program.
  • We host breed club field testing (“Working Dog tests”) under the sanctioning of the respective parent breed clubs.
  • We also have held many field training sessions as well as obedience and breed handling classes with occasional seminars on varied subjects. We’ve hosted tattoo & chip clinics, eye clinics, and AKC judges’ seminars. We also participate in regional outreach activities to advance the sport of dogs.
  • We are continuing to develop innovative programs for sporting dogs and their families.