The Maryland Sporting Dog Association (MSDA) is a group of dog owners and friends working for the good of all dogs, but especially sporting dogs. We endeavor to rise above our human weaknesses for the sake of our canine companions and put our best efforts toward furthering the advancement of sporting breeds, to protect and advance the interests of sporting dogs and sporting dog activities, to conduct sporting dog events, and to encourage sportsmanlike behavior in all situations.

MSDA was first organized in 1974. Through the years we have hosted conformation shows, obedience trials, hunt tests, field trials, training sessions and social events. We also participate in regional outreach and support other local dog club activities.

We’re a FUN and welcoming club! Most of our events are open to everyone. We welcome your participation as a registrant, volunteer and/or club member.

MSDA sponsors a variety of activities and events throughout the year. Use the main menu to learn more about us and explore what we offer.

Latest News (Blog)

All the recent news is available here.

Members’ Photo Gallery