MSDA holds many events throughout the year and many of these – Spring Event, Hunt Tests, Field Day – occur at least annually. Click on the Events menu item at the top of this page to view descriptions of the major recurring events. For upcoming and recent activities, there also are sometimes additional pages of information and online registration forms. You’ll find links to these extra pages from the general descriptions. Also, be sure to check the Calendar (on the top menu bar) for scheduled events being sponsored by MSDA and other local dog clubs.

MSDA holds conformation, field work and obedience (& rally) events. These include dog shows, obedience/rally trials, training sessions and hunt tests as well as occasional seminars and special events. There are activities for pointing, retrieving and spaniel breeds. Check the table at the top of each of the general event description pages to see whether this particular one is of interest to you. MSDA aims to make every activity one where you can have fun with sporting dogs and sporting dog people.