MSDA board members for 2024

MSDA board members for the coming year are:

  • Steve Roth, President
  • Richard Jackson, Vice-President
  • Gary Seibel, Treasurer
  • Melissa McMunn, Secretary
  • Sally Eck
  • Gregg Kantak
  • Loreen Peterson
  • Sherry Seibel
  • Steve Surprenant

All board members were elected at the annual membership meeting on March 14 and officers were then selected by the board. Email addresses for board members are on the Members-Only page. (Password is required.)

Annual Membership Meeting in March

MSDA’s 2024 Annual Membership Meeting will be held Thursday evening, March 14 starting at 7:30 pm. The meeting will be held via Zoom. All MSDA members (and prospective members) are encouraged to attend and participate. Members will be sent meeting notices and reminders via email; much more information will be provided directly to members in the coming months.

Members Only

The MSDA website has a new section for “Members Only“, accessible from the main menu of the website. There’s nothing super-secret here: a copy of the bylaws, meeting minutes for the last year or so, contact info for board members and some other hopefully useful info. If you are a current MSDA member and are curious, dash off a quick email to to ask for your password. Going forward, we’ll also be including password info in all members-only emails such as dues reminders in January and meeting notices for spring.