MSDA operates very much in an online environment. Communications occur in several ways:
Website, but you know that because here you are! We post updated information for current and past events as well as other information About Us.
Newsletter. Here are links to our most recent newsletters. (From there, you can read earlier issues also and sign up for our mailing list.)
MSDA newsletters are sent out approximately monthly to over 750 subscribers on our e-mail list. (There is no printed version.) We invite you to sign up! If you have an event or announcement that you would like to include in the newsletter and/or on our calendar page, please email .
Sign up for our e-mail list. We use MailChimp to manage our mailing list. We do not share your email or other list information with any other organization.
Facebook. MSDA has a Facebook group as another avenue for dissemination of information and for discussion. This group is “private”, which means that postings are available only to its members. However, you do not have to be a member of MSDA to join our Facebook Group.
To join the group, you must first have a Facebook account. Then, just log in and search for “Maryland Sporting Dog Association” or go directly to Once you’re there, click on “Join Group”. A moderator must approve your membership (just to keep out the spammers), so be sure to answer the question.
If you’re having problems joining or have questions, please contact .
We also post photos and videos from events on our Flickr site and have a few videos on a YouTube channel.