Photos from Spaniel Hunt Tests

Schellenbach Photography & Design is pleased to announce that the Maryland Sporting Dog Association galleries are complete and ready for viewing/purchase. Thank you all for your patience! Please be patient while the galleries load. Due to some upload issues, there may be images out of sequence so please be mindful that a handler photo may not be correctly in sequence next to your dog.
The page includes two viewing galleries under “MSDA GALLERIES”, one for Saturday and one for Sunday.

Spaniel HT Entries Closing Tuesday

Entries close next Tuesday, April 25 for MSDA’s Spring AKC Spaniel Hunt Tests on Saturday & Sunday, May 6-7 at Rebel Ridge Farms in Elkton, MD. Premium List and entries are via Registrations are currently full, but there is a waitlist option and several dogs have already moved into the event from the waitlist. If, before closing, after closing, or anytime up to the start of the hunt test, there are entries that withdraw or scratch, MSDA can take dogs from the waiting list to run in the position of the absent dogs. Dogs called up from the waiting list shall be prioritized in the order the waiting list entries were received.

Spring Spaniel Hunt Tests are almost full

If you’re interested in entering MSDA’s May 2023 Spaniel Hunt Test, but are holding off for some reason because entries don’t close until Tuesday, April 25, you may want to take another look. We currently have 31 entries each day, and we are capped at 35. Although MSDA will form a waitlist if needed, we won’t be adding judges or increasing the entry limit. The Premium and entry form is on Hunt Secretary at

March Training Day was a Success

MSDA’s Flushing Dog Training Day on Friday, March 24 was another successful session. 13 dogs representing 10 different sporting breeds got together and had some fun working chukar. Many thanks to The Royal United Company for providing the birds and the hunting grounds, and to Jared Ash for lending a hand as an extra gunner (and bringing his 11 week old Pudelpointer puppy to play). Matthew Toth, a photographer, was also on hand and got some great shots – this photo is one of Steve Roth’s English Cocker Spaniels showing off its flushing style for the cameras again. More photos can be seen at…/