2025 Spring Event

Friday, February 28 * Saturday, March 1 * Sunday, March 2
Howard County Fairgrounds in West Friendship, MD

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Mark your calendars for MSDA’s 2025 Spring Event!

Latest News

On Friday, the Maryland Cocker Spaniel Club will be holding a concurrent standalone specialty. (Because of that, there will be no classes for them at our Friday event; Cockers are included on Saturday & Sunday.)

On Saturday we will be holding the Bred By Exhibitor and Gun Dog Groups. Also, the Liberty Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever Club will have a designated specialty.

On Sunday, MSDA will be offering Puppy and Veteran Sweepstakes as well as a group event.

A list of all conformation judges is now available. Many of our judges are well known as Sporting Group breed experts with many being breeder judges in their own breed. We have a mix of seasoned veterans who are well known and supported as well as fresh faces who are provisional (p) in their breeds.

We also have some wrap-around events like AKC Fetch testing as well as the Bird Instinct Clinic. Both were very popular last year. More information about these activities will be available by early January.

At the 2025 Spring Event, we will not be offering obedience and rally trials. We may do so again in 2026.

Once again, MBF will be the superintendent. We expect the premium to be published at InfoDog.com, and entries to open, in early January. Information on the past entry as well as the 2025 judging panels are already available there.

If you have any questions about MSDA’s Spring Event, please contact the Event Chair, Bill Burland, via burland@mdsportingdog.org.